About Our Family


     We wanted to introduce ourselves, Romeo and Jessica Buescher and our children Eva (2), Romeo (1) and our new little one on the way (due Dec 12'/Jan 13').  We are currently living in Tehachapi, CA and attending Bear Valley Church.
     Both of us individually felt the call to missions even as elementary school students.  Throughout high school we both made several short term missions trips to various parts of Mexico with our churches.  In 2006, Jessica was blessed to be part of a team ministering in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine with Slavic Gospel Association. In 2008, Romeo spent a month in Israel ministering through street witnessing and various manual labor projects with Chosen People Ministries.
     At the start of 2009 we joined together in the forever partnership of marriage.  We spent our first several months of marriage living with Romeo's grandfather who had been diagnosed with cancer just a short week after our wedding.  We knew they'd need a few extra hands at first, though even with a broken back and stage three cancer, we could hardly keep him down to "help" him.  He is doing great, in fact we saw pictures of him hiking a 14'er in Colorado last week.  So needless to say, within a short time we moved out and onto the next adventure.
     Only ten and a half months after our wedding we were blessed with our precious firstborn, Eva.  We were living in Missouri for her first six months.  During which time we attended Chapel of the Lake in Lake St. Louis and were able to be a part of youth ministry.  We held a summer study for the High School students in our home and were very blessed by them.
     When Eva was six months old we packed our belongings and made our way off to Peru for our first missionary adventure as a family.  We attended a semester at Calvary Chapel Bible College in Lima, Peru.  During which time we were able to be part of local ministry as well as short term missions to other parts of Peru.  We next moved to Calvary Chapel Ventanilla, Peru and served alongside a completely Spanish speaking staff, which is one way to learn a language quickly.  During this time Jessica was pregnant with our son.
     January 2011 we were moved back to the states to help care for Jessica's mom who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer while we were in Peru.  We spent two months living in Colorado Springs, until Jessica's mom had healed from surgery and was back to work.  Praise the Lord, once again, the Lord had answered our prayers, a year and a half later they are still unable to find any trace of cancer in her body.
     At the end of this time we really prayed about where the Lord would have us next and He led us to Tehachapi.  Which is where we gave birth to our son Romeo, only a week after moving into our apartment!  We have met several strong believers here and have been extremely blessed to be right where we are.
     Yet the burden on our hearts is strong and God is still moving us.  He has opened the door for us to work with Calvary Chapel Church Planting Mission (CCCPM) in Russia, Ukraine and the rest of the Former Soviet Union (FSU).  Our desire is to see the gospel spread and we are blessed to have been a part of this work in all of the places that the Lord has brought us through on this journey, both stateside and overseas.  We look forward to the birth of this precious child that God has blessed us with, as well as shortly after when we make our way to Russia for language training and joining with the existing pastors and staff of CCCPM to see the work of the Lord spread in the FSU.

With love in Christ,
     The Buescher Family

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